Sunday, 31 October 2010

Almost everything about Wayteq 770 GPS navigator

I. Overview

- Processor Centrality Atlas III ARM 926T-400* MHz
- TFT 480x272 (very good)
- 2 GB internal Flash drive, RAM 64 MB
- Windows CE 5.00 (Build 1400) with SDHC support
- Ability to switch between ActiveSync(default) and Mass Storage
*In reality 324MHz; the specs from the factory are 396MHz, but never heard of any device equipped with this processor to go above 324MHz.

II. The good stuff

Given that the device supports SDHC, the first thing was to search the registry (remote, with CeRegEditor). It seemed normal to find "\Drivers\BuiltIn\SDBusDriver" and "Drivers\SDCARD" with everything beneath them. The surprise was that in the "\Windows" folder there is no "SDBus.dll" nor "SDMemory.dll", therefore the SDHC issue was solved without using these "classic" drivers. I've found "\Drivers\SDMMC" and the associated DLL, 34KB, almost double from the one present in .Net 4.2 and earlier CE5, who were without SDHC support.