Friday, 15 April 2011

Software-based Input Panel Registry Settings

Input Method Registry Values

Technically, any COM component that implements IInputMethod can be selected into the software-based input panel. The IsSIPInputMethod subkey is a shortcut that presents a list of IMs to the user without loading and querying each object for IInputMethod.
IMs are installed in the system as in-process COM servers by using standard COM registry keys. The HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID key contains subkeys that represent COM components. The subkeys are textual representations of class identifiers (CLSID). The CLSID subkeys contain an InprocServer32 subkey with a default value. This value specifies the DLL path that implements the component. The CLSID subkeys also contain an IsSIPInputMethod subkey that has a default value that is equal to the 1 string. The following table shows examples of IM registry values.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Debugging/Profiling


After completing this lab, you will be better able to:
- Create a Platform Image
- Customize and build the OS Design
- Download the OS Design
- Use Remote Tools & Memory Leaks
- Use Windows CE Remote Tools

Estimated time to complete: 60 min
Computers used in this Lab: WindowsCE6

Reference: Microsoft VirtualLabs

Windows CE 6.0 - Platform Builder Installation

Visit Windows Embedded CE Developer Center before you get started with Windows Embedded CE 6.0. The following section provides a brief summary of the Platform Builder plugin for Visual Studio 2005 installation process:

Note: Installation must be done in the specified order!

eVC++ code to read GPS location

The following is code for a simple eVC++ application that reads your location from your GPS device and writes it to file on your WinCE device. It accompanies the following post for Simple GPS helper App...

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

iGO SpeedCam MPH/KPH fix

The fix for the problem of SpeedCam Speed Limit always showing in KPH regardless of whether Regional Setting are set to show KPH or MPH. It is a modification to the 480x272 Data.Zip, though with a slight alteration to the code in Part 2, should work for other resolutions.

It is in two stages:

1. In "element_def_480_272.ui" define a new Category SPEEDTXT. It is similar to SPEEDTEXT but with one line removed and a font adjustment as follows:


2. Now Edit "speedcam_480_272.ui". The line:

Needs to be edited to: