Saturday, 18 December 2010

Flashing ROMs (...and debranding the X1)

This article will explain how to get a new firmware/ROM on your new Xperia X1.
To debrand the phone you just flash a different ROM. You also do the same thing to change from EN to GER, or to flash a customized ROM. So it's the same procedure for all of those actions (making it easier to write this tutorial ;-)).

Step 1 has to be done only once. For every following ROM you might want to flash, Step 2 is all you need to do. So let's start:

Step 1 (Preparations)

- Download and install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
- If you are using Vista, install the Mobile Device Center 6.1
- Set up the ActiveSync (XP) / Mobile Device Center (Vista) connection with your X1
- Charge the battery to at least 50% or more
- (Re)Connect the X1
- Run X1_HardSPL.exe
- Follow the instructions (it should say something like "Image Version:" to "1.00.X1")
- If asked, press "Yes" on the X1
- Now a 4-color screen should show up, showing some version Info
- After that, a progressbar screen will be shown and the phone will reboot when finished
- Click "Finish" on the PC
- If you want to check if everything went fine, turn the device off (long power button press), then hold the "volume down" button and turn the device on again, still holding the "volume down" button until the 4-color screen shows up. It should read something like:

- Remove and reinsert the battery to exit bootloader mode

You completed the first step and are now able to flash any ROM you want to your X1! (Well, at least any ROM made for the X1 of course ;-))

Step 2 (Flashing ROMs)

Before you start you have to -obviously- download and extract the ROM you want to flash. The file should be named *.image or *.nbh. Before you follow the steps, rename that file to Kovsimg.nbh.

- Format a MicroSD card with FAT32 if not yet done
- Copy the Kovsimg.nbh into the root directory of your MicroSD card and insert the card in your phone
- Turn off the phone (USB cable not attached)
- Remove and reinsert the battery
- Hold the volume down button and turn the device on again, still holding both buttons until the 4-color screen shows up.
- Follow the onscreen instructions

Congratulations. You're done.

Files / Downloads

Tools for flashing ROMs (HardSPL & NBHUtil):

ENGLISH ROM without Branding:

Threads you should know about:
- NEW ORIGINAL X1 ROMS (all released variants)
- X1 programs, panels, tweaks, fixes [all in one place]

Information worth knowing before you ask questions:
- How to change the keyboard layout.

Credit to phenx at

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